Coming Soon! The Matchbox 2000 Time Capsule of the Day
Starting in 2020 there will be a cool feature to the Two Lane Desktop blog, a review of the Matchbox Toys line from 20 years ago, all the way back in 2000. I have managed to keep this time capsule in my collection for years until recently when I decided to keep some of the content and sell others to gain more space. Before I sold off some of them I took pictures of all of the vehicles and started formatting a brief review for a daily post of all 100 vehicles in the U.S.A. line, along with a quarter of them from the 1-75 Rest of World (ROW) line, half of the 5-packs from that year, and even a few premium and promotional models. If all goes well this setup might be the new look of future articles on Two Lane Desktop, so stay tuned for the first post that goes viral!